Monday, September 2, 2019

SOP – Housekeeping – Control Desk Activities

House Keeping Control Desk:
  • The Housekeeping control desk is the nerve centre of the Housekeeping Department. 
  • It is the one point contact for all Housekeeping activities which also controls, co-ordinates and keeps a constant link among the various activities taking place at different locations by Housekeeping staff. And also people associated with Housekeeping within the Hotel premises.
  • Coordinates with the Front office for room status. updation and sorting out room discrepancy issues.
  • Coordinates with the maintenance department regarding guest room maintenance issues.
Registers / reports maintained in Housekeeping control desk:
Departure register:
To keep track of change of status of guest rooms from Dirty to Clean for re-selling.  It also acts as a control book for Mini bar consumption checking in check out rooms.
Expected Arrival Register: 
Keep track of arrival of pre-registered guests as regards profile/VIP status, timing, pax, any special request.
Room Status Report:
Shows the list of all room in the hotel with their current room status, ( Eg: Dirt Vacant, Vacant Clean, Dirty Clean, OOO – Out of order, OOS – Out of service etc. )
Guest call Register:
To note down any relevant messages pertaining to guest rooms and adjoining areas.
E.g. Maintenance, requests, special instructions etc. It helps in keeping a track of the completion of the activity and the duration of the same.
Mini bar and Laundry Posting Reports:
Shows the list of postings / sales under the revenue head Laundry, Mini Bar, Dry Cleaning Etc.
Control desk checklist:   
To keep track of all keys, key cards, “I need it now” cupboard items etc during changeover of shifts.
Missing item Register:
Any item placed in guest rooms [other than consumable items] found missing in a departure room is recorded in this Register after duly informing the Lobby Manager on duty.
Breakage Register:
Any breakable item found damaged/broken or that opts damaged/ broken while handling is duly recorded in this Register.
Lost and Found Register:
Any personal item/article of guest found anywhere in the Hotel premises is recorded in this Register with the relevant details.

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