Monday, September 2, 2019

SOP – Housekeeping – Floor pantry maintaining and cleaning

  • Each housekeeping floor / sections will have a floor pantry to keep the par supply of linen, cleaning supplies, guest stationeries and amenities.
  • The floor pantry should always have the linen required for that floor in circulation.
  • Normally the floor pantry should be ideally located near the service elevator.
  • Should have locked shelves to store linen and supplies
  • The Room boy / attendant have to clean the pantry while beginning the shift and while ending the shift.
  • Pantry has to be neat and tidy always.
  • All the racks on the shelves have to set with linen.
  • The floor is swept thoroughly with Domex / Floor Cleaner / Bleach.
  • Dust all the racks and pipes on a daily basis.
  • Sweeping and mopping of pantry is done once in the morning after removing the trolleys, and once at the end of the shift.
  • The pantry has to be scrubbed with teepol solution once in a week.
  • The dustbin has to be emptied, washed and dried on a daily basis.
  • Water cooler area is scrubbed daily and kept dry and clean.
  • Washbasin is scrubbed and cleaned daily.
  • Floor supervisors should check the floor pantry for cleanliness on a daily basis.


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