Saturday, November 16, 2019

Deal with Difficult Customers in a Hotel

The first step, and possibly the most important step, is to listen

This is followed very closely by showing empathy

If we haven't listened to what the customer is telling us, we won't be able to convincingly show them empathy. We will look like we don't care. The most important thing is that the customer knows that they've been heard and that the person who has heard them actually cares that they've had a bad experience. It's important that they feel that we will do everything that we can to find a solution. One way to show empathy to a guest is to simply apologize. This doesn't mean that we will admit guilt or fault in any way. It means simply that we are sorry that the customer had a negative experience and we want to help them make it better. 

Don't take the complaint personally

This is a very difficult but very important step. When a guest is yelling, maybe they will say some things that are slightly offensive. They may be very intimidating. They may be making us anxious or a little bit nervous. Try not to take their complaint personally. Try to remain calm. Don't internalize what they're saying, because most of the time, it's not actually about us.
Do not assign blame

We've seen some instances where someone has assigned blame to a particular department or to a particular coworker or even a manager. This will not work out in almost any situation. It may even cause additional trouble with colleagues, with superiors, and even with the customer. 
Inform the customer of what action will be taken

When informing the customer what action we will take, provide them a time that we will be able to update them
These two steps are very important. We want to keep the guest or customer absolutely updated. A good rule to remember here is to under-promise and over-deliver. Don't under-promise so much that it is not going to please the guest, but the action that we may have to take initially may just be telling the guest that we need to investigate the complaint. In that case, we might tell them that we will give them an update within two hours. If we can provide them an update within 45 minutes, we will look like rock stars. They will have increased confidence that we are actually on their side and working for them, and with them, in order to reach a solution that's going to make everyone happy.  

Reach the best possible resolution
We do want to make the guest happy and keep their business. At the same time, we don't want to hurt ourselves or our own business. However we need to do that will be based on our policies, and what sort of freedom we have to act. 

After we have reached a resolution, follow up with the customer
Maybe we send an apology note. Maybe we give them a quick phone call just to make sure everything is okay. Ask them if they need anything else and if there is anything else that we can help them with during their time and experience with us or with our company. 


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