Sunday, September 1, 2019

SOP – Menu Engineering & Cost Control in Banquets

Menu Engineering & Cost Control:
  • All menus items have been cost-valued and the price level has been established according to the objectives set by the Management Team.
  • Therefore, it is very important to respect the different recipes and instructions given by the executive Chef or his Assistant.
  • All set menus have been elaborated by the Executive Chef. They have been carefully selected and are a balance between the different ingredients, ways of preparing and presentations.
  • If requested, the guest can change some of the menu items. In this case, the hotel computer/data processing system allows the Catering Sales Manager to change a dish with another one while checking the price level.
  • However, one shall be careful to ensure the amended menu is still balanced: therefore, it is recommended to consult the Executive Chef or one of her/his assistants if an alternative suggestion is made by the guest.
  • The Cost Control Department will verify and register the use of all food & beverage ingredients in the different kitchens and outlets.
  • The cost control report will issue a monthly report informing the Management Team of any discrepancies within the operational results.
Buffet control:
  • The size of a recipe must be adapted to the number of people and to the selected menu choice.
  • It is preferable to replenish the buffet more frequently to avoid the unnecessary waste of food.
  • The food items on the buffet must be replenished whenever necessary. The kitchen staff will stand by to do so.
  • After the function is over, all food left on the buffet must be returned to the kitchen. 

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